

Few times a year I give lectures and do workshops. I realized the more you give the more you get. I love that feel of connection with other artist and I know how important it is to have a support of community...to hear someones art jorney stories, overcoming struggles and unique ways of success.



Character Design Quarterly

I created an article for CDQ ( issue 06) In which I show how a character can develop and adapt throughout a life span.

Creating stylized CHARACTERS

Delve into the vibrant, exciting world of character design with Creating Stylized Characters! Join professional illustrators, animators, and comic artists as they demonstrate how to exaggerate form and proportion. Sharing in-depth and industry-informed knowledge of creating fun and memorable characters, this book teaches essential creative skills that are applicable to both digital and traditional media. Learn how to design exciting heroes, villains, and monsters, as well as about key concepts such as gesture, color, poses, and expressions.

Creating styaliezed ANIMALS

Almost everybody, artist or not, can think of a beloved animal character – whether from a cartoon, a movie, a picture book, a comic strip, or even a cereal box! From the dawn of art to the latest feature-length animation, animals never fail to engage us. Follow in the pawprints of professional artists in this beginner-friendly guide, and you’ll be creating your own fun, memorable animal characters in no time.

СТN animation expo


I visited CTN a few times. It was half-globe travel and harsh jetlag BUT totally worth it! This event allows you to meet people from industry all over the world and connect with them personaly! Exhausting happy 3 days and full bag of goods. Oh and hurting cheeks because of non-stop smiling.